Tuesday, May 24, 2011

One year.

Can you believe that we all graduated about a year ago? Craziness.
Since it has been that long, I bet we all have some pretty good stories to share.
Who's first?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Better late than never...

It may have taken me four-and-one-half months of working to realize it, but driving to work each night isn't simply about the mental prep for the nursing battle ahead of me, but really, the spiritual battle that awaits.

I feel like so often, when I clock out and drive away, I think t0 myself, "You could have done better than that, Kristin," and wonder if much impact has even been made in the way of being a "LIGHT" to my coworkers.

Since October 12 (it was an awesome birthday gift, by the way), I've been privileged to be employed at the Rehabilitation and Nursing Center of the Rockies, a fancy name for a nursing home, really. It's been an incredible blessing financially, experience wise, and even with making friends since my move to Fort Collins, Colorado. I've fallen "in love" with several of my 38 patients and have been challenged to step up to the leadership role required as the only RN in the building through those night-time hours. What a blessing! And I'll be the first to admint it has been nothing short of an incredibly stretching challenge.

One of the saddest aspects of my place of employment, and I guess I'm lead to believe it's perhaps in most nursing institutions (??) is the gossip and backstabbing that is so persistent. Gosh, am I working in "the world" or something?... derr. "What do you expect?!" John tells me so often... and he's right! What do I expect? Going to Biola was certainly one of the biggest blessings in my training to be a nurse and a witness for Jesus. Biola's mission statement includes "to impact THE WORLD for the Lord Jesus Christ," ie, TO GO. Well, I've certainly gone, but may have gone with unrealistic expectations. It's tough. It's easy to succumb to the complaining that is so prevalent. It's easy to not go a little further and speak optimistically about someone or something when a fellow employee is "verbally barfing" on you. People seem to think I'm safe to barf on. And quite frankly, that's a good thing. It gives me a whole-lot of opportunity to speak up for others, to be positive, and to direct them toward PEACE. Unfortunately, I don't always step up to the task.

I'd like to blame my workload on some of my complacency. I think, "I just don't have the time to get into it right now, so let her say what she has to say, and hurry off to the next task, med administration, treatment, whatever." But quite frankly, what's happening is I'm being lazy and not taking advantage of the great opportunity God has given me to speak up. Granted, there are times when it's just not appropriate because time management and prioritizing say so, but I'm not particularly speaking of those times.

In my foolishness, I even prayed for answers to questions like, "how exactly am I to respond here?" or, "what is my role at RNCR?" without opening God's word, his Sword of the Spirit, to find out what He has to say. Since I have realized my great idiocy (don't worry, I'm not being that hard on myself when I say that... I know you all know how hard I can be on myself), God has nothing but POURED out answers to all my questions. SURPRISE! Not. Haha.

Not that I haven't realized it before, but I'm starved for God's Word. I crave His instruction. I am so lost without it. So, I thought in case anyone else seemed to be feeling even a minute bit of what I've been feeling, I would share some of the passages God has given me. Perhaps it will encourge you, too...or give you answers to questions you've also been too lazy to go to God's word for. I'm so human.... and yet it's no excuse.

"Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil for evil or insult with insult, bit with BLESSING (!), because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For 'Whoever would love and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must SEEK PEACE and PURSUE it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.' Who is going to harm you if you do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. 'DO NOT FEAR WHAT THEY FEAR; do not be frightened.' But in your hearts SET APART CHRIST AS LORD. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil." 1 Peter 3:8-17

"The end of all things is near. therefore, be clear minded and self-contorlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:7-8

"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who led us by his own glory and goodness. through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unprodctive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins." 2 Peter 1:3-9

Also, the armour of God, Phil. 5:6...

I could go on, we all know. I just wanted to share some of the main passages that have really stuck out to me.

For a long time, John has said, "it's go time!" when I'm getting ready for work, and I've always taken that as the physical, mental aspect of nursing...offering care. But really, "it's go time," should just as much, if not more, be in regard to the spiritual battle that awaits. Apperently, that's what he has been referring to all along, I'm just slow on the up-take. Hah. Nothing new there. Better late than never!

I miss you guys all so much! Man, it'd be awesome to be working together, but what a blessing (and challenge) it is to work with those who are so lost (apparently the f-bomb is a noun, verb, and adjective here in Colorado), haha. It's so exciting to hear what everyone is up to. Please keep posting!!

Miss and love you all,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

P.S. My nieces are cute!

Just because we've been a little lacking in pictures lately.... :)

i love bald kids :)

Hi everyone (who still reads these). :)

Here's my life update:
I've been working at Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) since November. I got hired into their New Grad program that's 5 1/2 months so I finish training in April. I've been working on the oncology unit, specifically with the solid tumor kids, and I have to say I'm loving it. :) Yeah, its definitely sad sometimes; I had my first experience with a kid's death on the unit a couple days ago and I've sat in on a couple conferences when parents are given bad news about their kid's prognosis. It's not easy, but I think I've been more surprised at how much hope there is. My experience in Peds Onc has been way different than my rotation at City of Hope. With kids, it seems like there is a lot more hope and resilience...not to sound cliche but it's really true.

Overall, I've just been really encouraged that God brought me here, at this time, for these kids, in this city. The city of LA was pretty much on my "never" list, if I had made one, but I've been pleasantly surprised by how great it is. If you guys ever get to visit, Reality LA is a pretty rad church with some people who really love God. :) LA is also a great place to be gluten-free since its kind of a fad around here (I don't get why, but it works for me!) I get to live next to Griffith Park, drive to work on Sunset Blvd in the morning, and look into the eyes of beautiful bald children who are braving life way better than I have so far.

Keep the posts coming. Even if you've already posted, give us another update. It's encouraging to see where God's brought everyone and how He's working. :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Lord is Good!!

Hey everyone!

Hope you all are doing well! I've really enjoyed reading all of your updates and being able to rejoice with all of you as the Lord has brought work and new changes to your lives :) (Yay to Anna, Marla, Mary Ann and Geoff most recently!!! Total Praise the Lord!!!! :D)

Quick history and praise of my own :)

Since we've graduated in May I worked two jobs...neither of them RN jobs but they have definitely been God-given stepping-stones...

1) I worked as an Office Administrative Assistant/School Nurse over the summer. Basically one of the most exciting thing that happened was a little girl passed out after cutting her finger on a box knife. (Fainting looks a lot like a seizure for those of you who haven't seen it...eyes roll back, body gets stiff and they shake.) She was fine, though I did call her parents to have her be taken home and go to the doctor's for some stitches... Mostly, I got LOTS of practice of dealing with parents, 648 students, staff, teacher assistants, paramedics, and other craziness this past summer. Fun stuff and good practice :)

2) Unable to find a job after applying to I-don't-know-how-many-hospitals and getting told that the hospitals were overwhelmed with graduates (I hear ya, Mary Ann), I realized the Lord was making it clear that this was going to be a time of waiting, trusting, and resting. Needless to say, I slept a lot during those couple months! Then the Lord had a family friend whose a family practice doctor approach me at the end of November and say that her medical assistant had to leave suddenly and she asked if I would fill it until I could find a RN position. Not exactly what I thought I’d be doing after 5 years of school—but hey, it pays loans and allows me to keep my foot in the medical world! I accepted and have since then become more proficient in phlebotomy, immunizations, EKGs, and have had the chance to interact with all different types of patients, everything from neonate to geriatric :) It has also given me the opportunity to see what happens to patients after they come home from the hospital—after the nurses remind them to “follow up with your doctor.” It’s given me an appreciation for the larger picture and given me lots of practical clinical practice :)

3) Lastly, just in the last couple weeks the Lord made it clear where I am to work as a RN--I was offered an ER position at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Mission Hills and I am to start work February 7, Lord-willing! SOOOO grateful and amazed at how the Lord has molded and shaped me for His glory! Definitely in amazement at the wonderful works of His Hand! Not only that but one of the preceptors at Holy Cross knows my preceptor from my ER preceptorship at St. Joseph’s in Orange! The Lord is SO kind! I am so encouraged as I look back and see God clearly guiding my path each step of the way! How grateful I am that He did it HIS way and not mine!!!

A couple prayer requests: Holy Cross is a Level 2 Trauma center—aka I’m going to see and be exposed to a lot. Though only 10 minutes from my house, it has one of the toughest populations—lots of gangs and prostitution. Please pray that the Lord would continue to keep my heart soft and my mind sharp as I help people. I desire to be used by the Lord and not obtain the ER nurse “hard edge” that a lot of nurses get when continually exposed to violence. The Lord is SO kind and has given me as a preceptor one of the KINDEST and most PEACEFUL ER nurses I have ever met. I am with her for 6 months so I am grateful for that! :)

Sorry for the length but I just wanted to share with you the wonderful glory, kindness and power of our Ever-Loving Father!! :) Excited to hear more stories as the Lord brings them! :)

God bless you all!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

100 applicants/5 positions

Hey everyone!
First I have to say, that I miss you all even thought I DO NOT MISS SCHOOL! It makes me really happy to know that spring semester is about to start, AND WE DON'T HAVE TO GO BACK!
So, I am not much of a blogger, in fact I don't think I have ever blogged before. So, I'll give it a shot!
So much has happened in the last seven months. First off, I'm not working yet. BUT, I'll be starting a job February 14th at Children's Hospital Orange County in the oncology unit. So stoked and so thankful to God for his provision and perfect timing in finding this job. As some of you know, I was working at Glendale Adventist Medical Center as a nurse assistant while in school, in hopes to transitioning for an RN position. I won't go into alot of detail, but I was offered a spot in a medical/surgical unit, only to have that offer revoked until March of this year. At that point, I decided to try and apply to other places. Not an easy task. Just to give you an idea, one friday I drove from Northridge all the way to Oceanside to turn in a paper application to both places (yes, some hospitals will only accept hard copies). CHOC was one of the places that called me first to set up an interview, and with the help of a fellow student (thanks so much Sharayah!) I prepared for the interview. As I was leaving the interview the person asking questions told me that there were 800 applicants total being interviewed for the entire hospital, 100 applicants for the oncology unit, and only five spots available, and I would be contacted as soon as she had made her decision. I left the interview not sure how it had gone, but thankful for the experience regardless. The part that I still can't believe is that that same night, (three hours after the interview!)the nursing director for the new grad program called me and offered me a position as a nurse in the oncology unit!! So this Friday I go in to have a physical, fill out paperwork and get a nursing badge to start this new job! Praise God!

Another big thing that happened last month was that James proposed!!! We planned a day trip to go rock climbing at Malibu Creek, and he asked me to marry him on top of the rock we were climbing, overlooking a beautiful view. Was I expecting it? No. Was I extatic? OH YES!! :) Oh, and to the ladies who planned a wedding while in nursing school... props to you. Seriously. I am trying to get almost everything done before starting CHOC, and it's not an easy task.

So, if you can remember me in your prayers, please pray for this new job that I am about to start. I am nervous, excited and at times fearful. Please pray that God will give me strenght and courage and grace. Pray that I can time manage wisely in the next few weeks, and please keep James and I in your prayers as we prepare for this new phase in life. Miss you guys.

Praise God with the Dykstra Family

Greetings Friends!

It is with much praise and thanks to our faithful God that I can share with you today that...

I worked my first official day as a nurse today!

I was hired today by the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, I will be working as a District Public Health Nurse - serving out of the Whittier Health Center.

I can also share with you that the award that our class gave to me still rings true, in the 7 ish months since graduating, I still have more children than patients/clients!

Though that will change soon (more clients - not more children, at least not yet ;-)

I look forward to hearing how y'all are doing as I check back to this blog...

Geoff Dykstra, PHN (for reals now!)
on behalf of the Dykstra Family